"Happy Fall!" Temperatures are cooling, leaves are turning, and children are back in school. Hip, Hip, Hoorah! I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer. I also hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. I am so delighted that you are part of our amazing learning community. I welcome and value your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education, and I look forward to working with you and your children. Here's to a great school year!
Cinnamon Sticks
Learning Center
600 Route 130 North
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
The Bureau of Licensing, Division of Youth and Family Services licenses the center.
Cinnamon Sticks Learning Center (CSLC) complies with all applicable provisions of the Manual of Requirements for childcare centers.
The license is posted in the reception room of the building.
A current copy of the manual is available for parents review and one may be obtain through the Bureau of Licensing at (609) 292-9220 if desired.
The Bureau’s Life/Safety and Program Inspection/Violation and Complaint Investigation Summary report(s) on the center as well as any letters of enforcement or other actions taken against the center during the center’s current licensing period are available to the parent through the director.
A diagram of room and areas that have been approved by the Bureau for children’s use is available for your review.
CSLC complies with the inspection/investigation functions of the Division, including the interviewing of staff members and children.
Any questions or concerns about policies and procedures of the center or whether the center is in compliance with all applicable provisions of the manual may be discussed with the director at any time.
Any requirement of the manual that the parent believes or suspects is being violated by CSLC or its staff should be reported to the director or the Bureau.
All parents of enrolled children may participate in the activities of the center.
All parents of enrolled children may visit the center at any time during the center’s hours of operation to observe its operation and program activities without having to secure prior approval.
The center has a security system allowing only registered families to enter the building.
The director will buzz-in all other visitors to the center.
Advance notice of any field trip, outing, or special event involving transportation of the children away from the center will be given to the parents of participating children.
A written consent form from the parent must accompany each child participating on such field trip, outing or special event.
A copy of CSLC's policy on the disciplining of children by staff members is posted in each classroom.
Children are disciplined through a four-step process. The child is first told of the unwanted behavior and redirected to what is acceptable. If the behavior persists the child is then given a time-out appropriate for their age. After a third incident the child spends some time away from the class, possibly with the director in her office. Finally if the child continues to be defiant a call to the parents and a meeting with them and the child will be scheduled to discuss further measures.
ny person who has reasonable cause to believe that a child has been or is being subjected to any form of hitting, corporal punishment, harsh, humiliating or frightening treatment, or any kind of child abuse, neglect or exploitation by any adult is required by State law to report such allegations to the Division’s office of Child Abuse Control or any District Office immediately, and indicate that such reports may be made anonymously.Information about child abuse and/or neglect can be obtained through DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services).
Children are released from the center only to the child’s parent(s) or person(s) authorized by the parents to take the child from the center and to assume responsibility for the child in an emergency if the parents cannot be reached..
CSLC's policy for dispensing medication is as follows
A written approval from the child’s parent must accompany the medication that is to be given to the child.
The director or head teacher will administer the medication or supervise self-administration of medication by those children who parent(s) authorize it.
All medication and health equipment shall be kept in a locked cabinet or in an area that is inaccessible to the children.
Any prescribed medication for a child shall be prescribed in the name of the child and stored in its prescription container, which has been labeled with the child’s name, the name of the medication, the date it was prescribed and directions for its administration.
* The director may leave it to her discretion concerning the administration of over the counter medication and may require a physician's authorization in writing before giving the medication to the child.
CSLC's policy the admittance of sick children is as follows
Any sick child below three months of age will not by allowed in the center unless the child has been seen and diagnosed by his or her licensed physician and the physician indicates in writing the child can be admitted.
Any child with a contagious disease such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough, fifth disease (Erythema Infectiosum), three day fever (Roseola Infantum), scarlet fever, or impetigo, will not be permitted to stay in the center until the child is considered by the child’s doctor to be of no harm to himself or herself or to the other children.
The center will not permit a child who has any of the illnesses or symptoms of illness mentioned below unless medical diagnosis from a licensed physician indicates that the child poses no serious health risk to himself or herself or to other children. Such illnesses or symptoms of illness shall include, but are not limited to, any of the following:
Severe pain or discomfort.
Acute diarrhea, characterized as two or more bouts within a 24-hour period.
Two or more episodes of acute vomiting within a period of 24 hours.
Elevated oral temperature of 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit or over an auxiliary temperature of 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Sore throat or severe coughing.
Yellow eyes or jaundiced skin.
Red eyes with discharge.
Infected, untreated skin patches.
Difficult rapid breathing.
Skin rash, lasting more than one day.
Weeping or bleeding skin lesions that have not been treated by a physician or nurse.
Swollen joints.
Visibly enlarged lymph nodes.
Stiff neck.
Blood in urine
If a child who has already been admitted to the center manifests any of the illnesses or symptoms or illness specified above, the center shall remove the child from the group of well children and make him/her comfortable in the Ginger Ale room (sick room) until the child is picked up from his/her parent.
CSLC's policy concerning the expulsion of children from enrollment at the center is
Non-payment of tuition.
Excessive lateness (pick-up after 6 p.m.).
Uncontrollable behavioral difficulties with a child or parent.
All the above will be up to the discretion of the director.
* The center closes a six o'clock p.m. unless otherwise indicated. A penalty of one dollar a minute will be collected from the parent for any child not picked up after six o'clock.
Photographic Policy
In order to avoid undue disruption of children, as they are involved in learning, and to protect the privacy and individual rights of all persons, it is necessary that we ask full cooperation in adhering to our photography policies and procedures.
Freedom to photograph is limited by the following conditions:
No photographs are to be sold by or to anyone, or used in anyway for commercial purposes. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
Photographers are not to prompt pose or otherwise distract children or teachers in the children's program at the center.